Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Corporate Event...Prepare for Ranting!

Today and yesterday have sucked.

We all know I try to never let work seep into the rest of my life, I think I do a pretty good job separating the two...and I'm trying to even blog less about work...even while I am at work. However, work has penetrated the rest of my life the last two days, so a guy has to write about it then...right?

Yesterday, my work was a sponsor at a golf tournament. Going to a golf tournament and being outside all day SOUNDS great. It wasn't. First off, I had to be up at 5:15 a.m. I'm assuming everyone who reads this tome knows something about me, and you likely know that I don't get up at that hour. Ever. I'm more likely to GO TO bed at 5am then wake up for the day then. So, we are already off to a terrible start. I had to pick up ice and breakfast foods, and there was a mammoth line at Super America, and it made me late to the golf course. I got there, set my stuff up and then sat there. I literally sat on a chair, on hole 10, for three hours, just waiting, with nothing to do. The worst part is there was there was a lot I COULD be doing, but it had to wait. I was supposed to greet each golfer that came to our sponsored hole, tell them about our company and invite them to participate in our raffle. The golfers came sporadically, sometimes 20 minutes would go by with no one at the hole, so I just sat there. When they did come, they didn't care about learning about our company, and I can't blame them. Every time I talked to them I wanted to tell them that I didn't care either.

After the tournament ended, I had to run to the lunch, make sure our presentation was ready, and then run to my car, and make up gift bags (crappy branded merchandise!) for the raffle winners. I sat, cramped in my car, throwing things into gift bags. I ran back for the awards ceremony to present the bags, that no one would ever want, even for free, to the "lucky" winners.

I also got rained on. Awesome.

The event ended at 4. I was already exhausted, but I had to go back to the office and prepare for today's activities and finally got to leave at 5:15.

I went home and tried getting ready to rock with Judging Ronald at practice, but I actually just fell asleep. It wasn't planned. I just passed out on the couch like I had just downed a bottle of Vodka. I was late for practice.

Today, we had a client visit to do on-site interviews of potential consultants. (Note: I just used business jargon in a blog, and it wasn't intentional. Ugh) I had to do similar preparations, including making sure everyone was comfortable, greeting people when they came, and trying to keep all of the things flowing smoothly. How can I make sure things are running smoothly, if I'm not even running smoothly? It doesn't help that having clients here makes everyone in the office on edge. Edgy passive aggressive conversation is the worst.

So, now I am tired, edgy, stressed and confused. I didn't even get to go on lunch. Thankfully at least today I could hop on Gmail and get some relief from friends. So, if I talked to you today, thanks. You helped me maintain my sanity. Whatever of it there is left!

It's okay. The long weekend is just around the corner filled with JR rocking (Friday, 9:30 at Blackdawg in Burnsville! Come!), disc golf slinging, cabin events, and awesome people. At least Monday things will be back to normal at work: Boring, ridiculious, and draining, but at least it won't be stressful.

Thanks for letting me vent. I don't blame you if you didn't read all that!


Monday, August 20, 2007

The Cell Phone Story

Story time! Grab a blanket and a cup of your favorite beverage and settle in.

I was one of those guys. The one who didn't want a cell phone. I Thought they were dumb and I had all sorts of high and mighty convictions about it. Most of them weren't really anything and now I think back and can't remember any of them. Silly. It took me until I was 21 to get a cell phone. It was 2003, so I was pretty late in to the scene, and almost everyone I knew had one at that point. How did I finally get one? Well, that is an excellent question!

At this point in my life I was so fortunate (note: sarcasm) to be driving a rust-filled, hubcap-less 1990 Ford Taurus, the best motor-carriage known to man. I actually really loved that car, and have a weird fondness for it now. I drove it throughout high school and the beginning of college. On one of my pilgrimages from Mankato back to Apple Valley I saw white smoke coming from the hood of the car.

Not good.

I couldn't accelerate any further, and I realized the car had died. I futilely looked at the engine. I didn't even know what I was looking at, but I thought if I shined the power of my mighty spotlight on the car, it might work again. I'm a silly guy.

Suffice to say, a man pulled over, offered me a ride, and call it smart, dumb, terrible, ridiculous or whatever you want, but I took it. This stranger dropped me off 50 miles away near my parent's house. I told him to drop me off a little bit of a ways away from where I actually live...just in case...he was crazy. Of course, while walking home, my Dad just happens to be driving home. I think he was a bit surprised to see me...without the car. Ha.

Weeks later I received a cell phone for my birthday. Apparently, they are good for calling people in emergencies. I didn't really have much of a choice. I think I secretly wanted one anyways.

So, now I have a cell phone. It is four years later. Obviously, I am now ingrained in cell phone culture (I even text message now!)

Yesterday, I "lost" my cell phone for a little bit. After the initial concern, I realized it wasn't a big deal and I laughed when I figured out I was most concerned about the fact that I didn't have ANY other alarm clock to wake me up the next morning. That was seriously my biggest concern.

I thought that was funny. Apparently, I'm not nearly as attached to the calling part of my cell phone as I am the alarm clock feature.

Go figure.

To read Mike Allen's HILARIOUS Taurus eulgoy, go here. You won't be dissapointed.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

I Need to Blog.

I need to blog. Not because I haven't done it for a long time, but because I feel I NEED to. I don't have anything specific to talk about, but lots of little things. My friend did it not so long ago...a sort of meta blog of everything going on, and I feel like I just need to let a few things out, even if it isn't new or surprising. It'll be therapeutic. One can always hope.

I can't sleep lately. I just lay there, or worse, don't want to go to bed, even though I am exhausted. I got my diploma (finally!) last week, I felt good about that for some reason. This week has NOT been a good week at work and I might not make it to April...I just can't take it some days anymore. I feel like my soul is draining by the second, which is dramatic, but it is something terrible. There are a lot of weddings this summer. Every weekend I, or one of my friends, is at a wedding. Why is everyone getting married? Not that I disapprove, but why THIS year? I've found out I can't be everywhere at once, as much as I might want to be. Not much stresses me out, but personal relationships certainly do. We all know I can be peer-pressured into doing just about anything fun. I still do like getting to know people, even though I thought I didn't anymore. It's weird, but cool, having friends all over the world. I guess that is something to get used to. The internet has really changed it in a way that makes it seem like they are really close, but then really far away, all at the same time. I need a haircut. The Twins have been frustrating the hell out of my this season. Every time they seem to put something together, they blow it all up literally the next day. When did things become complicated? One of my biggest pet-peeves is people who are bad at e-mail. I hesitate to write anything too personal in this blog because I have absolutely no idea who reads it. I think I need two blogs, but I'm not really sure I have enough to fill another one. Disney is looking for traditional, 2-D animators starting this fall. I'm really tempted to work on a portfolio and give it a shot. See if I can make that semester of art school worth something! I have no idea what I want to do anymore, and that is a little exciting, but a little nerve-wracking at the same time. I could literally be doing anything in April. I'm going on a booze cruise on Sunday. I plan on quoting "The Office" as much as possible. Speaking of "The Office" I think I need to have a season premiere party when the new season starts. I've discovered that most of life is about the people you surround yourself with. It looks like I am going to India in February if I stick around this job long enough. I've got more, but that's it for now. Wow. That does help.

That is one long paragraph.

Peace out.
