Friday, February 23, 2007

Target is a Foul Temptress

I have a long, strange history with the behemoth known as the Target Corporation.

It seems like Target is going out of its way to single me out and make my life as annoying as possible...whenever it can.

It started when I had just turned 16 years old. My parents (bless them) were encouraging me to get a job. I didn't want one. I thought it would ruin my carefree adolescent days. In a way...I was right. I haven't spent one day out of employment since then. However, they were right. I needed to get a job.

I distinctly remember making a list of places I wouldn't mind working at during Mr. Shonka's dreadful history class. I knew the fast food industry was a definite no. I recall wanting to work at Blockbuster, Target or the YMCA in Burnsville. Mom was enthusiastic about working at Target...after all, she had worked there when she was in high school. I thought it was a good idea, so I applied. Got a call to interview. Interviewed. At the end of the interview they told me I was hired and was told to come in a few days for training.

The next day, Target called and told me they had decided not to hire me...something to do with hours or something else that could have been easily worked out. Essentially they hired me, then laid me off, without ever working. Awesome.

After that regrettable experience, I was slightly shaken. It was a weird way to start of the working life. I ended up at Cub Foods and had a pretty good experience with that. However, it took me sometime to not be upset with Target.

My struggle with Target subsided, almost completely during the start of college. My sister had started working at the Target in Eagan, and was at that point enjoying it. I enjoyed the good shopping at reasonable prices. All was right with the world.

That is until I decided to step into the HR boundaries of Target once again. During the middle of college I decided I wanted to work somewhere in Mankato to make some extra money, besides just the LEGO income. So, I found out that if I started at a Target close to my parent's home during the summer, I could transfer to the Mankato store. There was an opening in Security and that sounded interesting, and my sister's boyfriend (Matt) worked in security at the store already. Once to the interview. At this point I was a pretty big deal at LEGO, being a trainer and all, and I thought I was kind of 'lowering' myself to also working security at Target as a second job. The lady I interviewed with was a crab. She didn't understand what I was trying to do by getting the second job and insisted I stay with LEGO. I tried explaining that I wasn't leaving LEGO, and for some reason that made her more mad. She apparently took her job really seriously and didn't want some kid thinking it could be a second job. So, she didn't let me do it, unless I quit LEGO, which she didn't want me to do. Whatever. Matt told me latter that the interviewer is weird like that. Strike 2 Target. Strike 2.

Between that time and now Kyle started working at Target in Eagan as well (for those keeping track at home, that leaves me and Dad as the only non-Target employees ever) and Danielle started becoming very disenfranchised with working for Target, to the point of loathing. After college I started applying to jobs at the Target headquarters in Minneapolis, mainly because they are so massive that you almost have to. It was my mistake in thinking that corporate was different then the retail operations, as they lead me on more then a few times.

I didn't let it faze me. I found a full-time job last year doing Marketing and gave up on caring about Target. I figured I could just shop there and be content, like everyone else. No way...apparently. Target keeps finding me.I started the new job, finding out, of course, that Target is a client. Quickly I learned that I would interact with some of our consultants placed at Target on a regular basis. That meant going to the Target headquarters on a monthly basis. Fine, sounds good, right? Except that I need to drive there and the dress code is very NOT business casual. Augh.

The last straw came when I was driving back last night and it took me almost an hour and a half to get back to home. I didn't even need to go. *sigh*

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Every time I go to Target (...I do love shopping at Target stores though...) I end up spending way too much money. This should be my own American-consumer fault, but this rarely happens anywhere else. My new idea: Target brainwashes you into thinking you need this DVD, those new razors,all the cheap but good looking clothing and a new art-decor lamp. I can never escape it! It's madness.

Now for Target's latest gasp at taking what it can from me. Last night my friend Alex called to tell me that he accepted a management internship with Target that will keep him in Iowa ALL summer. Bah. That sucks. He doesn't want to stay in Iowa, but this is a good opportunity. I understand, but out....Target will ruin your life. Just like it has mine!

*Footnote: This all taken with good jest. Target has in NO way 'ruined my life'. I don't really have any animosity towards Target in anyway, but I thought it was funny at how one corporation has affected my life. It is just strange the number of instances where Target has influenced my life.



Unknown said...

Oh man... This could be the best blog ever! Hahaha...Man where could i begin with my utmost hatrid towards target!! You think you dont like the corporation, man could i go on a rant about how messed up target Alex to beware!!! I found out today that my friend who i work with tried to get any internship just to make more money as opposed to just working as a regular team member, and they told her pretty much they wouldnt let her b.c they dont like hiring people from the stored to work as interns or working at corp...explain the logic there...sigh...well, either way i appreciate your rant;) lol

Joe said...

I'm a recovering (possibly still employed, long story) employee of Target 1235 in Hudson. I commanded a WAVe through the seas of boxes in the clan of the cave people...better known as the back room. My back doesn't miss the back room. I think I've been to Target twice since I went back to being a full time medic.

Unknown said...

Target's hiring processes have done many of the same things to me over the years. Twice they've messed with my head telling me I had a job there and then nothing came of it and once they called me and told me they wanted to hire me but I needed to fill out a new application, I chose not to play their game any more at that point.