Monday, May 21, 2007

Things that I Have Learned...

Europe has taught me...

-That Berlin has decided to try to be American. It has been the most surprising and appaling part of the trip so far. I had no idea.

-Prague is beautiful, but the Czech Republic is in dissaray.

-Venice is perhaps the coolest place I have ever seen...that might not exist by the time I die.

-People do not hate the US as much as I thought.

-Do not stay in a hostel in the woods in the suburbs of Berlin.

-Watch out for traffic in Rome. I almost died.

-Watch out for those cannals in Venice. Falling in is not ideal.

-People appreciate our attempts at their language (Mike and I speak German, Kris Italian and Ryan speaks Russian - which came in handy in Prague)

- We REALLY need public transportation in the USA.

...hmmm...more to come. I just thought I should post SOMETHING from Europe...

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