Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I'm Apparently Everywhere.

I've discovered something, but I feel a bit like Christopher Columbus...I think I found something that someone or maybe many people already have. It doesn't have an indigous population or lots of Tobacco, like the "New World" Columbus "discovered". Just something I've noticed...which in retrospect makes the opening of this blog entry useless. Looks like I've ruined yet another dynamic blog again with uncohesive thought structure! Onward to better constructed paragraphs!

I don't meet nearly as many people as I used to, like I did in college, but it still happens. So, I'm meeting new people, usually friends of friends, and odds are 1:3 (I completely made that up) that the person I am meeting says this after a few minutes or sometimes hours: "You totally remind me of my best friend/friend...I love him!"

I usually smile and nod my head. How am I supposed to react to that? It is flattering, knowing you remind someone of their best friends, because you know they probably are enjoying your presence, but it also a little troubling to me.

Am I, or people just like me, everywhere? Granted I brought up examples where people were just meeting me and only know a little bit about me, but it isn't isolated to just meeting people. I have had friends and longtime acquaintances tell me similar things. That I remind them of someone. It is a little disheartening to think that I'm not really that unique, that there are clones of me everywhere. I sometimes question what it is that reminds me of this friend. It is usually different things...appearance, personality, voice, etc. so that doesn't help any.

Is it something about me that is really familiar? Do I just make people feel comfortable, the way a good friend might? I take pride in trying to be a good friend, so maybe that has something to do with it. I just don't know. Maybe you do...if that is the case...I'd like to know.


-My check card came back with no errors. Amazing.

-My passport picture looks utterly ridiculous.

-Work has been really chill lately and I like that. We've been doing a lot of photo shoots (for marketing content) and they have been a fun break from the regular monotony. Using Photoshop and actually being creative at work has been refreshing.

-I'm going to Europe on Friday. It will be awesome. Photos and stories will be shared when i get back to...well everyone I talk to, I'm sure. In the mean time the only way to contact me will be through e-mail, Facebook and the comment section of this blog, since I hear that the Internet is even in Europe these days! Amazing. Those tubes just go everywhere.

-Speaking of travel, I have 3 OTHER friends who left the country this week for various different length of times and reasons. Lets all hope they return and arrive safely.

-One of those people will be gone for a long time. We'll all miss you Sarah.



Mike said...

You remind me of this guy I've know for like 11 years... oh wait, I guess that's you. Have fun in Europe!!!

KJ said...

Have fun in Europe... I'm sure I will hear all about it when you get back.

Take lots of pictures for me!

SK said...

Thanks Brett! I'll miss you all too!

This blog totally reminds me of something one of my friends would write... ha.

I told you that when I met you. I think it's because you are very animated, in your personality and appearance - they go together. Being animated is good. People talk about you. And liken you to other animated people they also like to talk about. Hmmm, does that makes sense?

Hope you are having fun in Europe!!