Friday, June 29, 2007


I got back from my annual camp experience on Wednesday. A little background information. Every year my Catholic church has a camp for kids in 7-9th grade. I've been going as a leader in various capacities since my senior year of high school....8 years ago.

It is always a blast. Oddly, I think I appreciate going more every year. As I get older I understand the lack of chances to do things like this, times just to be ridiculious, be outside, hang with kids, play frisbee and, of course, blob. I found myself smiling more this year while I was there more then any other year...just because it is so different from what every other day is like. Yelling at the top of my lungs is not only allowed, it is appreciated. Fiddling with a sound board and playing drums is part of my job. I get to teach kids how to play Ultimate.

Sadly, every year it also gets harder for me to come. I'm not getting any younger and the logistics of me going are not easy either. I almost didn't get to go this year because of work. Isn't that dumb.

I came back Wednesday in an unbelievable mood. I was so relaxed. It was exactly what I needed to do. I'm centered and ready to go. It is amazing what a little time in the boonies of Wisconsin can do.

As far as the blob goes...this is what I am talking about!

I think that about sums up my 5 days. I'm there for the kids, but it is nice to know I get a little something out of going to. It maintains whatever sanity I can muster.

Thank God. Literally.

1 comment:

Mike said...

That makes me miss camp. This will be the first year I haven't got to go hang out at LPBC for a week in the summer. Seeing two contients was worth it I guess.