Friday, July 20, 2007

Working in Politics...

I've been looking for something different, something new to do in April.

I've been talking about it a lot lately, I know. I just think it is a good opportunity for me anything. My lease is up at that point and Brent will be married. So, I'll need to do something different for living arrangements anyways. I'm not married. I don't have any kids. I am looking for a different job, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to do something. Anything. Chances like this may not be around later in life.

There have been more then a few ideas on what to do. Go back to school. Get a teaching certificate. Work on various art related projects. Travel to a different country and work there for a while, or teach. Work for LEGO in Denmark. All these things are very possible, but all seem unrealistic in some ways. Going back to school would mean not working full time. I can't afford that. Ditto with doing art full time. Teaching in a different country would be interesting, but I'm not sure that is what I want to do. Working for LEGO in Denmark WOULD be interesting and cool, but there would be a lot or logistics to that, including learning a whole new language before going there.

One of the other options was to work on a political campaign. Problem was, I had no idea how to make that happen. Luckily, I know someone who does. My friend Alex Kurt, whom you might recognize from the listings of blogs to the right, is currently working on the John Edwards campaign for the summer. While e-mailing I asked if there was anything I could do next spring....when I am free to do whatever. He said that there likely WOULD be lots of positions open. Minnesota, being a swing state would certainly be looking for field staff. I have marketing and communications experience, so I'd be a good fit, I think.

This got me excited. The corporate world is taring me apart in a lot of ways. I don't want to climb any ladders and most of the time I end up feeling really out of place because my attitude and thought/belief structure don't usually line up with corporate objectives very often. Politics is much in the same, but at least I might be able to try and make a difference. That sounds terribly naive, and I'm sure we would all like to think that, but it is encouraging to know there is at least a chance. Honestly, it would just be something different. I just want to work on something where there is a clear goal, and that goal ISN'T money. I'd like to work on something that ends up with tangible results and something I could possibly care about and enjoy not only doing the job, but even talking about it with others.

So, I'm going to give it a shot. Besides, I always really wanted to know just how corrupt our political system is anyways. Lets just hope I don't lose myself in it.


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