Monday, August 20, 2007

The Cell Phone Story

Story time! Grab a blanket and a cup of your favorite beverage and settle in.

I was one of those guys. The one who didn't want a cell phone. I Thought they were dumb and I had all sorts of high and mighty convictions about it. Most of them weren't really anything and now I think back and can't remember any of them. Silly. It took me until I was 21 to get a cell phone. It was 2003, so I was pretty late in to the scene, and almost everyone I knew had one at that point. How did I finally get one? Well, that is an excellent question!

At this point in my life I was so fortunate (note: sarcasm) to be driving a rust-filled, hubcap-less 1990 Ford Taurus, the best motor-carriage known to man. I actually really loved that car, and have a weird fondness for it now. I drove it throughout high school and the beginning of college. On one of my pilgrimages from Mankato back to Apple Valley I saw white smoke coming from the hood of the car.

Not good.

I couldn't accelerate any further, and I realized the car had died. I futilely looked at the engine. I didn't even know what I was looking at, but I thought if I shined the power of my mighty spotlight on the car, it might work again. I'm a silly guy.

Suffice to say, a man pulled over, offered me a ride, and call it smart, dumb, terrible, ridiculous or whatever you want, but I took it. This stranger dropped me off 50 miles away near my parent's house. I told him to drop me off a little bit of a ways away from where I actually live...just in case...he was crazy. Of course, while walking home, my Dad just happens to be driving home. I think he was a bit surprised to see me...without the car. Ha.

Weeks later I received a cell phone for my birthday. Apparently, they are good for calling people in emergencies. I didn't really have much of a choice. I think I secretly wanted one anyways.

So, now I have a cell phone. It is four years later. Obviously, I am now ingrained in cell phone culture (I even text message now!)

Yesterday, I "lost" my cell phone for a little bit. After the initial concern, I realized it wasn't a big deal and I laughed when I figured out I was most concerned about the fact that I didn't have ANY other alarm clock to wake me up the next morning. That was seriously my biggest concern.

I thought that was funny. Apparently, I'm not nearly as attached to the calling part of my cell phone as I am the alarm clock feature.

Go figure.

To read Mike Allen's HILARIOUS Taurus eulgoy, go here. You won't be dissapointed.



SK said...

I'm getting a little upset that your blogs seem to mirror my experiences. I told you not two weeks ago that I left my cell phone at work, and that my only concern was that I didn't have an alarm clock, a problem that was solved my downloading an alarm clock online. Anyway... are you trying to have my life? Or are our lives just that similar??

Brett said...

Haha. I didn't lose my cell phone on purpose Sarah! Apparently, we just have the same weird crap happen to us. Ha.