Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Catholic Church (As well as Christianity as a whole) and Youth...

Apparently, more then a few people were on edge after I had mentioned on Facebook a few months ago that I had some thoughts on the Catholic church and youth.

First, some background. I've been involved with the youth at a Catholic church in Eagan for the last 9 or 10 years. I was asked to attend a national youth minister conference in Las Vegas (That's right, Las Vegas...and the Catholic church...good combo!) While I was there, I encountered some issues that reminded me of the problems that I had been lingering on for sometime. Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Steve, who also happens to be a professional youth minister. He had also asked to hear my thoughts. So I shared...

The first problem is a matter of taking things too far, and trying to push things into being trendy. Look, young adults aren't dumb. Just because you call your youth group some trendy name like "Jesus kidz" or something doesn't mean you are going to be more successful. You can't cram it down the thoughts of the youth. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY ARE BEING PANDERED to. Just because you are ready to be excited about being a Christian, doesn't mean that they are. Just let them hang out, be themselves. If they become comfortable, talk about it naturally...don't force it. Right now I'm a big fan of using secular things that kids are into and using that to maybe influence them. Social networking sites (like Facebook), music that isn't overtly christian, but has a message that could be (think Switchfoot). Camps, outing, retreats that involve their friends and activities they enjoy along with a bit of people talking about faith and maybe a little reflection. It is a delicate situation. There will always be the ones who jump in the christian youth hoop with a full leap those kids aren't the concern, it is the ones who are reluctant, because of the stigma and the general lack of cool that Christianity is really spreading well right now. Why is it that Christianity has latched on to extreme sports and rock music, desperately trying to not look out of touch, while all in the while, looking just even more out of touch for being SO desperate about it. Every new band that looks secular, but isn't is treated like a golden calf.

I guess that can transition to my other Christianity thought that has been buzzing around for a while now. At what point did certain people in the religion start praising the church, its leaders and the congregation over Jesus and God? We are constantly selling products in services, retreats and gatherings. We pray for the church and tend to it, while occasionally ignoring God. We worship pastors, priests and church leaders, sometimes even choosing a place of worship on the pastor/priest and how good their public speaking skills are and how entertaining they are. If you drive down 35 into Lakeville there is a GIANT billboard with huge pictures of the Pastor of a church on it, obviously advertising for the church. What are we really worshipping here? We all fall into this trap, I know I have...with music. I often lose focus of the mass or service when I am also playing, so much so that I literally forget why I am where I am. It has happened in other scenarios too. I think it is something we need to look into as a faith community. The church is a place, way and avenue for worship...not a place to be worshipped.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It seems to me that most orginized religion lost its way a long time ago. The Cathlic church in America more than most others.
I think that has a lot to do with young adults leaving the church.