Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm very different from everyone I work with in a lot of ways. Today was a good example.....

I was meeting with a coworker in his office and we started chatting about why I wanted to come in later in the morning (I get to work about 8:45am). He assumed I wanted to do things in the morning BEFORE I came to work. I told him I sleep until 8:10 almost everyday I go to work.

He seemed shocked. He didn't say anything. He quietly asks..."Why do you need so much sleep"?

I respond: "Well, I really don't. I don't really go to bed until about 12:30 or 1am most the earliest."

He leaned back in his chair, befuddled. "What do you DO?"

I didn't really know how to answer that question. Why does it seem to SO incredibly weird to people who are very much morning people that people who are night owls do that same things they do, just at different times? I know why people like to get up in the morning. It is just how they do things. I'm not the same way. I understand that. Most morning people don't seem to see it the other way around.

I told him I do everything. Work on projects. Hang out with friends and family. Exercise. Run errands. Whatever comes up. Even last night I got home at a surprisingly early hour (11:30) and thought about drawing and going to bed, but my friend Laura called from Taiwan. That put the bedtime much later. It was great.

Honestly, I've always been a night owl. I always liked working on homework in the middle of the night. I love doing random things at night. I like to do hobbies until late at night. I like talking on the phone at night. I especially like sitting outside or even inside and thinking at night. It is quiet and things seem to be at peace.

I gradually won him over. He told he always seemed convinced that people who slept later were just lazy. I told him that he needs to make sure to remember that some people just like to go to bed later...people like me.


-I joined a concert band. I'm pretty excited about it, as I have been looking for ways to get back into playing percussion. We might be looking for other instruments as well, let me know if you might be interested.

-Chuck Norris loves America. If you don't know why, or what the hell I'm talking about you need to read the blogs to the right. That Mike Allen is a funny dude.

-My desk fan is called "Lil' Blizzard" I thought it was a hilarious name for some reason.



TheShadow said...

Dude, I completely agree. I work 8-4 and I would prefer 9-5 or even 10-6. I'd rather go to bed around 1am... and usually I do and then act like a zombie at 6:50 when my alarm rings.

KJ said...

I totally want into that band if I can... it would be great to play in another ensemble with you guys again.

Let me know