Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Untitled Ramblings.

I'm sitting here at work trying to think of a reason why I haven't blogged in a month. I can't really think of a suitable excuse. I'm really hot/cold with blogging. I seem to write three times a week sometimes, and then all of the sudden not do anything for three weeks. It is a viscous cycle, to be sure.

I do think it has to do with terms of audience. I don't like being too vague, but I can't be too personal either, especially since my blog gets reposted on Facebook and is Google search able. Not that I have things to hide, but I also don't know what is suitable to talk about with a mass audience.

This seems to coincide with me changing personally a bit too. I'm no longer nearly as comfortable in groups of people as I once was, and now prefer smaller groups, or even better just one or two other people. I'd like to say it is a maturity thing, but I'm not sure. Anyone have input on this? I still am as confident and fun in a large group, but sometimes feel like I get swallowed up by it all, when I don't remember feeling that way before. It is definitely a new development.

Otherwise, life is rolling along. I feel pretty good about where I am, and I think that is an accomplishment all on its own. I try to set meaningful, small goals while trying to keep up with large sweeping goals at the same time, and so far I am managing it pretty well, considering I want to change some pretty giant things next spring and keep maintaining the small(er) things. We'll see how it goes.

Among the things rattling around in the brain these days is how much I have loved Google's applications and software. Gmail is definitely my favorite application of all time. I seriously think better of people who have and know Gmail and Gchat. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it has really just worked out that the most important people to me generally also have Gmail. It is remarkable. However, it doesn't end there. Google Calender is slick and has replaced my flimsy Outlook calender at work, and was already in use for my personal calender. Google Maps and Google Earth are usually the most reliable mapping apps out there. I could spend an entire day just fooling around with Google Earth...and occasionally be practical with it. Google Documents is also fantastic...and it looks like Google is actually going to release an operating system at some point. I can't wait.

I'm also back on the educating myself bandwagon. I've really focused on world politics right now. I'm trying to branch away from the inclusive world of U.S. politics and reset my mindset. So, I have been keeping up on current events world wide, re-learning geography and world culture and studying different political systems and some country's political history. It is really interesting, and I would like to think it has a purpose...as I am still very interested in pursuing a job on a political campaign this spring. I think I'd like to maybe branch out from a strict communications/marketing perspective and also have some sort of role with foreign relations in mind.

Alright, I suppose I'll leave it at that today. When is my next post going to be? Who knows. I won't make any promises, but it will likely be sooner rather then later.



ph_l_p said...

google life... glife?

aint nothin but a gthang.

Brett said...

Yeah, I would sign up for a glife if there existed such a thing.