Monday, October 1, 2007

Bumper Stickers

This is more ranting then I am used to, so bear with me. I'm not used to ranting about much of anything outside of work, so this might get sloppy. (Insert subtle "That's what she said!" here)

I don't get bumper stickers. Oh, I understand them. What I don't get is why you would deface your car. Cars are a terrible investment anyways, why would you further abuse the paint job with a silly sticker? Do you really need to express your ill-researched beliefs to passing motorists that badly?

More importantly, I don't understand the need for publishing your beliefs, political standards or personal philosophy on your car's exterior. You think Jesus loves the Republicans. Great. That's you're prerogative. Why do you have to slap it on your bumper sticker? Because you believe but never want to have to talk about it? Because you just love shouting your opinion to the world, but fear anyone trying to be critical of you?

This isn't just about bumper stickers that offend me...even if I agree with what it says, I still think it is weird. Are you the kind that yells your opinion at someone and refuses to let the other person talk to you about it?

I've seen some really offensive bumper stickers before too. What is the point of that? To show everyone how "edgy" you can be? Way to go. You ordered something off the internet, put it on your car and likely never actually have to explain to anyone, since you are in the safety of your car, where you can like an ass and no one can do anything.

I guess this all goes back to my thoughts on why people act so differently in cars. I wrote about that once before here.

Good to get that out. Oh, and I don't hate you if you have a bumper sticker...and this rant does not include the little Jesus fish and support ribbons...those are fine in my mind...just in case you were worried I would be offended.

Just don't expect me to be impressed with your new bumper sticker of a knock-off Calvin pissing on a Ford symbol. I think I just threw up a little bit. Gross.



SK said...

Hmmm. Tell me how you REALLY feel....

Brett said...

Yeah, I didn't reall sugarcoat that one, did I. ha.

ph_l_p said...

best bumper sticker ever:

"Welcome to Stillwater, now leave."