Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Getting Hit on at Chipotle, Drink! and India

First off, I love the diversity of this blog's title. Actually, it is really just a listing of the three things I'm going to ramble about today, but still...I like to feel I live a diverse life of thought. I can think about international relations one second and completely shift to American versions of imported food the next.

So goes life.

Yesterday I was eating at Chipotle for lunch. I was sitting by myself dressed up for my Target HQ visit later that day, enjoying my chicken soft tacos (cheese, tomatoes and lettuce please) and reading "Chasing Daylight". A girl got up from her table and came over and sat next to me. She commented that she had read the same book I was reading. We talked about for a minute or two, me being secretly shocked by the tenacity of this stranger. After some small talk about where I work and where I'm from....she asked me if I wanted to get coffee after work.

I was kind of in shock. She probably saw that, since it took a second to realize what just happened. I politely told her about the wonderful girlfriend that I already have. Obviously, she understood.

She left and went back to her table with her friend/co-worker/whatever. It was like nothing skipped a beat. I was blown away. I have never been asked out by a stranger after a short conversation like that. The funny thing is that the book is about taking charge, and chase what you feel Jesus and you want to do. I found it interesting that our common bond was THAT book. Interesting. I guess you never know what is going to happen on any given Chipotle trip!

On Saturday I met up with Phil late into the night at Drink! in Uptown. I generally don't like places like Drink to begin with. In fact, I'm confused by the point of it. It is way too loud to talk to anyone. It is way too packed to even move around. There is almost no where to sit. The patio is nice, but it still suffers from the same problems. Too loud, and too crowded...and a bottle of anything costs 4 dollars. Why do people WANT to go there? In closing, it isn't a place you would normally find Phil, and a place where I would never choose to go...but have been to on at least a half dozen occasions. At least we got to make a bad song like "Hollaback Girl" into a political treatise about embargo and strife. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what Gwen Stefani was thinking about when she wrote that song.

Apparently, my company is still considering sending me to India for a few weeks sometime around the new year. I've never been so excited about a possible business trip before. If the plan comes to fruition I'll go and do whatever work I'm supposed to do (set up our India facility with some marketing materials) and then take some time off, explore India and come back. I think I'd take 10 days to explore. I'd want to try and go to Nepal, if their political dispute gets resolved, and maybe Sri Lanka, if it is cheap. If it works out, I'd go to other places in Asia (Japan, Taiwan) if it works out with work flying me back from where ever. I've learned so much about India the last two years that it has made me really excited by the prospect of going there. I really hope I can make it happen.

That is all I got for now. Peace out.



ph_l_p said...

on the few (maybe 3 or 4) occasions i have been to drink! its always been with the least likely crowd and we always complain about how much it sucks. what scares is me is when i take a step back and look at people actually enjoying that place. i can't think of a worse place to spend $12... i could go to axman surplus and build a potato gun... or i could go to drink! and get maybe half a beer. stella and fries at drink! approaches london costs.

two words: banana embargo.

Millard said...

so...was she cute?

Colleen said...

1. For hating the drink you certainly go there a lot sir...
2. What the hek! India! I am so jealous! Why do you get to go to India?! I just stopped feeling sorry for you at your job..:)